Admission Process


Each LMAIS school has their own application requirements and procedures but there are some elements that most schools have in common.


  • Application and Fee
  • Student Evaluation
  • Transcript
  • Teacher Recommendations
  • Interviews (Parent/Student)


These materials and engagements are done in advance of application deadlines, which vary by school.  However, LMAIS schools have a common notification date in March where families are informed of admission decisions and a common response date where families must notify schools of their intentions to enroll.



Financial Assistance Process


Financial assistance is available at most LMAIS schools. It is important that families ask each school about their financial assistance application process, as each school is different. Assistance is based on each family’s unique financial situation; it is not a loan and does not need to be repaid. Funds allocated ensure that LMAIS schools are accessible for a wide range of families and demonstrate each schools commitment to affordability.


Resources to Explore:


  • K-12: Empower Illinois – Empower Illinois is a 501(c)(3) that provides low-income and working-class families the opportunity to explore new, quality K-12 education options through private school scholarships and advocating for innovation in Illinois education. For detailed information regarding applying for private school scholarships, visit Apply.


  • 9-12: Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund: The mission of the Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund is to give high school scholarship assistance and educational support to Chicago students from under-resourced neighborhoods.  DMSF seeks to make a life-altering difference in the lives of its Scholars by providing them with the best opportunity to succeed in high school and college.


  • 9-12: Link Unlimited Scholars: A robust fellowship that opens the path to college for high-potential black students: a four year-high school fellowship making college success a reality. For more information regarding the Link program and an LMAIS high school, contact Morgan Park Academy Admissions.


  • 9-12: HFS Chicago Scholars: HFS Chicago Scholars helps underserved Chicago high school students flourish in and out of the classroom by providing educational enrichment through our lifelong mentoring, college readiness and academic excellence programs, as well as providing financial assistance to attend top Chicago-area schools.


  • 9-12: HighSight: HighSight provides scholarships, tutoring, mentoring, leadership development, and college readiness programs that create new possibilities for Chicago high school students from low-income families. The HighSight experience empowers our scholars to excel in high school and graduate from four-year colleges across the country. For additional information regarding HighSight scholarships and an LMAIS partner high school, contact Beacon Academy Admissions.


For additional information regarding financial aid visit the NAIS (National Association of Independent Schools) website.