Latin School Middle School Builder Day
March 13, 2023
What is Builder Day, you ask?
The middle school held an event in ’17, ’18, and ’19 called “Builder Day.” On that day, all middle school students signed up for 3 “not typically offered in school” classes during the first 3 blocks of the day. During these classes, students experience school in a different way, explore topics they’re interested in, and engage in hands-on activities. Some classes offered in the past were “Intro to DJ’ing,” ‘String Art,” “Button Design,” and more. Classes were taught by 8th graders, US students, and fellow faculty members.
There are so many aspects of the Portrait of a Latin Learner that Builder Day embodies. Statements like, “Develop resilience by taking on new challenges and using mistakes to further their learning”, or, “Use a variety of methods to creatively express themself to others” perfectly embody the work of Builder Day. I hope that events like Builder Day give life to the Portrait of a Latin Learner.
What did Builder Day look like this year?
This year, Builder Day was held on Friday, February 10. Students choose 2 classes from 21 different courses offered this year! Take a look at the offerings & descriptions here:
5th grade
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade