Networking and Professional Development Opportunity for LMAIS Office Managers, Executive Assistants, Administrative Assistants
Networking and Professional Development Opportunity for LMAIS Office Managers, Executive Assistants, Administrative Assistants
*no cost for participants (except for lunch out)
North Park Elementary School, 2017 W. Montrose Ave., Chicago
RSVP to North Park Elementary School Office Manager Kerry Maman at, who will facilitate the gathering.
- 9:30-10:00: Continental breakfast served and introductions
- 10:00-11:15: Session I*
- 11:15-11:30: Break
- 11:30-12:45: Session II*
- 12:45-1:00: Closing activity
- 1:00-2:30: Lunch for all at a nearby restaurant (walking distance); participants’ schools pay for their lunch and drinks)
Topics submitted thus far for discussion and sharing:
- Follow up and keeping track of projects; streamlining workflow for efficiency and effectiveness; approaches to organization/time-management; Google tips and tricks
- Communications strategies and tips; building positive working relationships
- Roles and responsibilities to students, parents, staff, admin team, HOS, Board – and managing “additional” responsibilities
- Setting boundaries, setting priorities, and staying well
- Leadership skills you use or need
- Your goals and professional development
- Security
- Scheduling
- What you learned from working in your role during COVID
- Starting an admin group in your school
- Onboarding a new Head, Board Chair, or other Trustees
- Ideas for more networking, connection, and collaboration – how might we connect a few times a year? What kind of speakers/professional development would be helpful?
- Others, time permitting?