Indigenous Peoples’ Day Teach In for Pre-K to Grade 12 Educators Field Museum

Join the Field Museum and colleagues from around the Chicagoland area for an Indigenous Peoples’ Day Teach In presented in partnership with Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. 

The day will begin with collective participation in a virtual live-streamed keynote address delivered by Assistant Secretary of Indian Affairs, Bryan Newland. Bryan Newland is a citizen of the Bay Mills Indian Community (Ojibwe), and served as Chief Judge of Bay Mills Court, as Tribal President, and as counselor and policy advisor to the Department of the Interior. In his address, he will highlight the connections between research conducted by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on American Indian boarding schools and efforts to support language and cultural revitalization. 

After the keynote address, we will engage in workshops that explore what education sovereignty for Indigenous peoples looks like in a modern context, and best practices in teaching Native past, present, and futures in our classrooms. We will spend targeted time in the Native Truths: Our Voices, Our Stories exhibition, hear from guest speakers, collaborate with peers, and have a lunch that highlights Native food.  Please note that the teach-in is on the National Day of Remembrance, which honors boarding school survivors. We encourage participants to wear orange in solidarity with survivors. 

There is a minimal cost for this event, which includes parking and lunch. You do not have to be a member of the museum to participate. Reserve tickets at:

Event Details