Hyde Park Day School Fall Virtual Open House

The mission of Hyde Park Day School is to provide students of average-to-superior intelligence with learning disabilities an innovative and comprehensive educational model that will help prepare them for a successful transition to public or private schools in their home community.


 The full day scho­ol program offers a specialized, educational curriculum for students, ages 6-15, with moderate to severe learning disabilities and who have average to above average intelligence. Under the direction of Dr. Casey Crnich, Executive Director, and a faculty of learning disability specialists, each student has access to:


  • A comprehensive learning plan that links specific diagnostic information, with specialized instruction, modified curricula and other related services (e.g., occupational therapy, counseling, speech therapy).

  • Intensive, one-to-one assistance using state-of-the-art materials and methods to address specific learning difficulties.


Join us for a virtual Open House to learn more about Hyde Park Day School!

Register here for a link to our virtual open houses at: https://formstack.io/3A07A

Event Details

  • Date: Thursday November 10
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
  • Categories: